Chemical, Physical, Textural and Sensory Evaluation on Rice - Ente Nazionale Risi

Pubblicazioni - Ente Nazionale Risi

Chemical, Physical, Textural and Sensory Evaluation on Rice

Chemical, Physical, Textural and Sensory Evaluation on Rice

Tipologia: Poster

Categoria: Pubblicazioni CRR - Laboratorio Chimico Merceologico

Data di pubblicazione: 2014

Autori: C. Simonelli, L, Galassi, M. Cormegna, P. Bianchi

The characterization of rice has been carried out by chemical analysis which require the use of more or less sophisticated equipment and trained technicians to the application of analytical methods. The descriptive analysis is a new experience in the evaluation of Italian rice that allows to describe and quantify the sensory properties of the different varieties. As with the traditional analysis is fundamental the instrument calibration and the choice of the adequate analytical method as well as the equipment for the sensory analysis is the basic choice of assessors who will be part of the panel and their training.

Lavoro svolto in collaborazione con ERSAF, nell’ambito del Progetto Grandi Colture e Reti Dimostrative Cerealicole

Chemical, Physical, Textural and Sensory Evaluation on Rice - formato pdf - 1267Kb

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