Rice is life!International  Year of Rice 2004
Rice is life!ItalianoFrançaisEspañol

Rice plant life
The story of rice grain
Rice as world food
Let's play together
Working together for a better world

Worldwide problem of poverty and hunger can't be easily solved but, if several nations, all over the world, cooperate, to fight against this problem, a better outcome can be obtained.

Cooperating means acting and working together, not just to obtain better outcomes but, to share knowledges, experiences and "science", with different populations.
People from different countries, speaking different languages and having different customs, tie their efforts and their knowledges together, in order to face problems that interest everyone.

Cooperation, based upon precious values like solidarity and intolerance, is the only way through which, gaps between countries can be filled.

Imagine our world as a big ship, if a leak springs to the stern, the whole ship will sink. We need to repair leaks and holes all together: we need to cooperate!
In order that our "Ship-World" keeps on with travelling, it is important that we think about improving of life conditions, about how to guarantee food safety for all the populations.

Today, cooperation is a common demand, even to rich countries, like ours, where problems of hunger, sanitary conditions and illiteracy are just faded memories.
Working on the world welfare will make us feel more and more part of it.
Perhaps ,getting knowledge about the different ways of life, of thought, of speaking, of eating, of dressing, of praying, of dancing, will make us esteem more, what a great merit man has and how much his variety is precious.
