Commercialization - Ente Nazionale Risi

The Rice in kitchen / The Lead Character / Commercialization - Ente Nazionale Risi


It is indispensable to state first that in every rice producing country the mercantile classification of rice types does not take into consideration such qualities as nutritive value or cooking behaviour.
In international commerce the most wide-spread classifications are made:


a) with reference to the length and the ratio of length to breadth
b) with reference to the percentage content of broken grains and other defects or impurities.


The classification adopted b Italian law defines rice as belonging to one of four groups:
"Originario o Comune" — "Semifino"— "Fino" — "Superfino".
The adjectivation of such groups does not take tub consideration quality but is based on parameters such as length. appearance and shape.
All rices keep the variety denomination that is given at the moment of their establishment by the selectors. Italian law calls for every package of rice to display the group and the variety. However, it is forseen that many varieties are grouped for similitude and in such cases it is allowable that the


variety contained in the package does not correspond with that indicated provided that it forms part of the same grouping.
It is foreseeable that the European Economic Comunity will adopt the


following classifications:
- long grain rice
- medium grain rice
- short grain rice

These will be determined on the basis of grain length and the ratio of length to breadth.



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